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K-Monel Diaphragm Seal N-27 (F), G-29 (P)
Kapton Insulated
Heater ... See Heater, Kapton Insulated
Thermocouple Wire ... See Wire
Kelvin Clip Test Lead Set
... See Accessories, DMM
Kilowatt Hour Meter, Portable Q-13 (H),(T)
Kilowatt Hour/Demand
Datalogger Q-25...Q-26 (H),(T)
Meter Q-25...Q-26 (H),(T)
Portable Datalogger Q-26 (H),(T)
Brass Block and Fine Wire Mounting
G-15 (T)
Connection, Constant Wattage Heating Cable
B-32 (H)
Connection/Terminal, Constant Wattage
Heating Cable B-32 (H)
Connector, Constant Wattage Heating Cable
B-32 (H)
Custom Drum Indicator K-75 (F)
Fine Diameter Wire H-9 (T)
Flow Meter Stainless Steel B-35 (F)
Flow Meter Teflon B-35 (F)
Flow Meter Aluminum B-35 (F)
Handheld Anemometer C-17 (F)
Infrared Cooling Jacket J-51, J-52 (T)
Infrared Energy Conservation
R-9 (H), J-25 (T)
Infrared Gooseneck Mounting
J-51, J-52 (T)
Infrared Periscope J-51, J-52 (T)
Infrared Plant Maintenance
R-9 (H), J-25 (T)
Laser Sight for OS520 Series
41 (G), R-33 (H), J-5 (T)
Monitor Light, Constant Wattage Heating
Cable B-32 (H)
Pistol Grip for Switch G-77 (T)
Pressure and Flow, Test Valve B-65 (F)
Probe A-54 (T)
Probe and Meter A-54 (T)
Proximity Switch B-64 (F)
Rotameter Aluminum B-35 (F)
Rotameter Stainless Steel B-35 (F)
Rotameter Teflon B-35 (F)
RTD Calibration System K-43 (T)
Splice, Constant Wattage Heating Cable
B-32 (H)
Termination, Constant Wattage Heating
Cable B-32 (H)
Test Valve B-65 (F)
Thermocouple Assembly F-20 (T)
Thermocouple Calibration System
K-12 (T)
Kit, Calibration
RTD N-5 (H), K-12 (T)
Temperature Probe N-5 (H), K-12 (T)
Thermocouple N-5 (H), K-12 (T)
Kit, Calibrator
Conductivity Economical E-35 (E), 20 (G)
Conductivity, NIST Traceable
E-35 (E), 20 (G)
Conductivity, Simulator/Analyzer
E-35 (E), 20 (G)
pH, ORP D-36 (E)
Tester, Pocket Economical
E-35 (E), 20 (G)
Kit, Comfort Heater
Ceiling Mount Thermostat L-6 (H)
Wall Mount Thermostat L-6 (H)
Kit, DIN Rail Transmitter Mounting C-15 (P)
Kit, Environmental Test
Limnology G-34 (E)
Water Pollution G-34 (E)
Kit, Field
Test Hydroponic J-9, J-10 (E)
Individual J-6...J-8 (E)
Multi-Parameter J-3...J-5 (E)
Kit, Glass Thermometer ASTM Certified
M-17...M-24 (E), N-31...N-38 (H),
E-5...E-12 (T)
Kit, Mercury Spill M-37 (E), E-25 (T)
Kit, Meter Conductivity, Splashproof
E-6 (E), 9, 10 (G)
Kit, Mounting
PC Board Mountable Power Supply
C-10 (P)
Thin Beam Load Cell F-34 (P)
Kit, pH/Conductivity/Temperature
Battery Powered Handheld
G-5 (E) 134, 135 (G)
Handheld, Heavy Duty
G-5 (E), 134, 135 (G)
Kit, Probe & Test Lead
Accessories, DMM
... See Accessories, DMM
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Bench Meter/DMM
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Deluxe Electrical
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Deluxe Electronic
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Electronics Lab
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
General Purpose
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Heavy Duty
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
J-23 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Kit, Strain Gage Adhesive E-22, E-25 (P)
Kit, Strain Gage Application E-27 (P)
Kit, Thermostat
Ceiling Mount Comfort Heater L-6 (H)
Horizontal Heater Unit L-6 (H)
Wall Mount Comfort Heater L-6 (H)
Kit, Tool
Compact, 25 Piece K-3 (D)
Compact, 45 Piece K-3 (D)
Kit, Turbidity Battery Powered Portable
G-7...G-9 (E), 137 (G)
Kit, Water Test ... See Test Kits
Knowledge Acquisition
Technical Book Y-6 (D),(U)
Knowledge Processing and Applied Artificial
Technical Book Y-8 (D),(U)
Kodide Solution ... See Ion Selective
Kynar Adaptor, 1/2" NPT Screw Plug
F-88 (H)
Kapton Insulated
Kilowatt Hour/Demand
Kit, Calibration
Kit, Calibrator
Kit, Comfort Heater
Kit, Environmental Test
Kit, Field
Kit, Mounting
Kit, pH/Conductivity/Temperature
Kit, Probe & Test Lead
Kit, Thermostat
Kit, Tool

Numbers   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   

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